» Dictionary
Polish-Podlachian dictionary with a bidirectional search — work in progress.
The button PL-PDL starts the search for those entries that provide translation of the Polish word from the search field into the Podlachian language.
The button PDL-PL starts the search for all the entries that include the Podlachian word from the search field.
* * *
In the search field, you can use * character (asterisk) for a wildcard, for example: ala* (search for words that start with ala...), *tka (search for words that end with ...tka), etc.
Total entries in the dictionary: 22 105
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flejtuch m pot. łójman m, múrza m
flejtuchowaty pot. neochájny, nedbáły, neakurátny
flek m nabôjka f (na občas)
fleksja f jęz. fléksija f
fleksyjny fleksíjny
flesz m fléš m
flet m flet m
fletnia f flétnia f
fletowy flétovy
flinta f flínta f
flirciarka f amátorka poflirtováti
flirciarz m amátor poflirtováti
flirt m flirt m
flirtować ndk flirtováti
flisacki spłavný; dotýčny spłávščyka
flisactwo n spłav liêsu
flisak m spłávščyk m
floks m bot. floks m
flora f flóra f
florecista m floretíst m
florecistka f floretístka f
floret m florét m
flota f flóta f
flotylla f flotýlija f
fluid m fluíd m