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Svoja.org » Gramatyka » Podlachian Grammar In A Nutshell
Podlachian Grammar In A Nutshell
Natisnuti, kob pobôlšyti...
Jan Maksymiuk
  1. Cardinal numerals — Kôlkosny ličebniki
  2. Ordinal numbers — Poradkovy ličebniki
  3. Parts of the day — Časti dnia
  4. Days — Dniê
  5. Holidays, seasons — Sviata, pory roku
  6. Months — Miseciê
  7. What’s the date? — Kotoroho diś čysła?
  8. Years — Liêta
  9. How to go there? — Jak tudy dojti/dojiêchati?
  10. Conjugation of common irregular verbs in the present tense — Odmiêna pospolitych neregularnych dijesłovuv u teperyšnium časi
  11. Patterns of verb conjugation in the present tense — Uzory odmiêny dijesłova v teperyšnium časi
  12. Verbs in the future tense — Dijesłóvy v buduščum časi
  13. Verbs in the past tense — Dijesłóvy v minúłum časi
  14. Verbs in the conditional — Dijesłovy v prypusknôm sposobi
  15. Declension of adjectives and nouns — Odmiêna prymiêtnikuv i imiênnikuv
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Zładovati siêty skôp... Podlachian Grammar In A Nutshell
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